

Monday, August 14, 2023

Free Skit -- Can Do: A Wartime Rationing Tale

During the war, food rationing was a fact of life. Our story tells about a couple trying to make the best of it. Here's a sample:

She: The store was having a special today on cans without labels. Only ten cents a can!

He: Cans without labels? Who sells cans without labels?

She: Sometimes the labels fall off, and they can't sell them at the regular price. So they discount them. Isn't that great?

He: I guess it is. So, what are we having?

She: Well, that's the thing. I don't know yet. Without the labels, nobody knows what's in the cans. But whatever it is, it's dinner.

He: This I gotta see.

Read the whole skit.

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