

Monday, November 24, 2014

3 Wishes, More or Less: A Short Comedy Skit

Be careful what you wish for: good advice for three ladies who find a genie with a mind of his own. This short comedy skit, suitable for all audiences, will be the hit of your club, scout meeting, or church group. Here is an excerpt:

Here is an excerpt:

Ruby: I wish for a million dollars!

Genie: Here you go. (hands her a piece of paper)

Ruby: What is this? A check?

Genie: Naw, the money's already in your bank account. I've been using direct deposit since 1373. No, this is a notice that you owe sixty per cent of that million in back taxes.

Ruby: I might've known there'd be a catch.

Genie: With money, there's always a catch.

Ruby: Well, then, I'll just fix that with my second wish. Genie, I wish for ten million dollars.

Genie: Granted. By the way, here.

Ruby: More back taxes?

Genie: Nope, a subpoena. You're being audited by the IRS.


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