

Monday, April 17, 2023

Disney Super-Heroes -- Glitterin' Goldie

There once was an online role-playing site where Disney characters were played as super-heroes and villains. Although Fantasmic Dreams is no more, I thought that the characters I'd created, along with some who never saw the light of day, should be preserved for posterity. Let's look at Glitterin' Goldie, who appeared in Duck Tales:

Real Name: Goldie O'Gilt

Alias: Gilded Lily

Age: Never ask a lady

Species: Duck

Sex: All woman

Nationality: Canadian

Alignment: Can't decide

Status: Semi-Retired

Physical Description: Goldie was a rare beauty in her day, and even as a senior citizen with her blonde curls turned gray, she can still glitter with the best of 'em. Her blue eyes, long lashes, and sultry voice all add to Goldie's allure, and her typical duck features -- white feathers, pear-shaped body, webbed feet, etc. -- are in very good condition for her age.

Appearance: Gilded Lily wears an off-the-shoulder gown with opera gloves and a white lily emblem. She loves gold, and typically dons a tiara, necklace, and bracelets as part of her costume.

Appearance (Outside of Costume): For practicality, Goldie favors buckskins or flannels. But whenever there are others around, she quickly gussies up in her finest silks and satins.

Abilities and Powers: Gilded Lily possesses the Golden Touch, the ability to turn whatever she touches with her hand(s) into gold. Unfortunately, it isn't true gold, only an unknown golden-colored metal with no real value, although similar in weight and consistency to actual gold.

Unlike the legendary King Midas, Goldie can control her power so as not to turn things to gold accidentally. She herself is immune to its effects.

One touch transforms an entire object, unless it is larger than her limit of one megahex (about nine feet in diameter). Thus, she could touch a car and turn it, lock, stock and upholstery, into gold. If she touched a Mac truck, however, only a section approximately equal to her limit would transform.

A living being so transformed would be unable to move, see, or speak, his clothes and all accessories turned into a golden statue. It may be possible for said victim to think, however.

Weaknesses: Her Golden Touch wears off in about an hour, returning the victim or object to normal. It has no effect on liquids or gasses.

Personally speaking, Goldie also has a weakness for--what else? Gold!

Accessories: She is rarely without a gun secreted somewhere on her person: a revolver down her corset, a derringer in her garter, etc.

Because she requires reading glasses, her mask contains magnifying lenses in the eyeholes.

Character Information (Personality & Motivation): Goldie's love of and desire for the finer things in life -- especially gold!-- led her at a young age to bend the law when it suited her needs. Living in the lawless frontier made it very easy to graduate to petty theft, then cheating at cards, then swindling, until she became a full-fledged criminal.

Goldie can be sweet as pie, but she has a hair-trigger temper that can result in pants full of buckshot for those unlucky enough to say the wrong thing. She has honed flirtation to a fine art at which she excells, and is not above vamping a foe to vanquish him.

Unlike Scrooge, Goldie is not a miser and spends money freely, having run through several fortunes in her lifetime.

Secret Origin:

Goldie O'Gilt was named for her golden curls. She developed a fascination for gold at an early age which grew into almost an obsession. She was only a teen when she began to cheat and steal in order to fuel that desire. Life on the Canadian frontier suited her well, as there were fewer lawmen to hamper her, and one often met prospecters with their pockets full of newly-dug ore. Goldie capitalized on her beauty and flirtatious ways as a torch singer, supplementing her income by swindling many a miner out of his fortune.

When she robbed a young Scot named Scrooge, however, Goldie picked on the wrong duck. He forced her to work his claim to pay him back, which led to a strong mutual attraction and a desire to go straight.

Since Scrooge left her over a misunderstanding, the Belle of the Yukon has hovered between right and wrong, never remaining in one camp for very long before 'reforming' once again.

While exploring deep in a mine, Goldie encountered a strange gas that had the unexpectd effect of granting her a super-power: the golden touch. If the objects she touched turned to actual gold, all would've been well. But, no, it was only fool's gold, not the thing to satisfy her gold fever. So Goldie used her touch to commit even bigger crimes, now in the guise of Gilded Lily. And when she made Canada too hot to hold her, she sneaked across the border into the US, eventually landing, by coincidence, she told herself, in Duckburg, where she both hopes and fears to reunite with Scrooge.

Will true love lead her to give up her life of crime? Or will Scrooge's gold become her next target? Only time will tell.

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