

Monday, June 13, 2022

The Incredible Jack McGee -- An Episode Guide

If you're like most people of a certain age, you tuned in to The Incredible Hulk every week to see what the Creature would smash this episode. Some, no doubt, also watched the show to catch David's transformation and surname of the week. But there were a few who knew the real reason to view the series: Jack McGee. The intrepid reporter didn't appear in every episode, but he kept things lively, forcing Banner to come up with ever-more-creative methods for dodging exposure.

This episode guide is for McGee-lovers everywhere.

The Incredible Hulk pilot

Intrepid reporter Jack McGee makes multiple requests to gain an interview with scientists David Banner and Elaina Marks for The National Register, a cheap, sensationalist newspaper beneath his talents. The scientists are studying human strength enhancement, but they refuse to grant him an interview. Jack even visits Dr. Marks's home, though it does him no good. When Dr. Banner's car is found smashed in a ditch, McGee investigates and finds enormous footprints at the scene. He further interviews a man and his young daughter who report an encounter with a 7-foot hulking greenish creature. McGee confronts Banner and Marks with a plaster cast of the prints, but they deny any knowledge of the Hulk. Convinced that the scientists are hiding something, McGee sneaks into their lab to learn more, finding evidence that the Creature had been there. Banner returns and finds Jack there, escorting the reporter outside just before the building explodes and McGee is knocked senseless. He comes to just in time to get his first look at the Hulk, which emerges from the blaze carrying Dr. Marks. McGee tries to find Dr. Banner, but it's impossible to enter the inferno. Dr. Marks is later found dead; Banner's body is never found at all. Jack makes it his mission to track down the Hulk and learn the true story of the Creature. More...

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