

Monday, May 30, 2016

Brisco County, Jr. and the Power of the Orb

The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. introduced us to The Orb, a mysterious spherical object with uncanny powers. The Orb was eventually revealed to be a man-made electromagnetic wave-particle net that captures energy at certain nodal intersections of the space/time grid. Although complete details have never been revealed, many of the orb's various powers were demonstrated throughout the series. These facts have been collected here, giving the most comprehensive guide to the powers of "that Orb thang" currently available.

The Orbs form a trinity, but still function after one is destroyed. Senior Spirit

The Orb hates evil; if evil persons try to use The Orb, it eventually ages them to dust. Pilot, Fountain of Youth, Bye Bly

Getting stabbed with a rod turns you to dust. Pilot, Bye Bly


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