

Bigamy in PA

On Feb. 8, 2017, a suspect was arrested and charged with bigamy in Pennsylvania. He is married, according to authorities, to both a woman and her daughter. You can read the news item here. The question is, why has no one come forward to defend this man's lifestyle? Where are all the activists, celebrities, and politicians? Why will no one stand up for bigamy? Or rather, incestuous bigamy? This man chose a lifestyle based on his preferences, tendencies, whatever name you call them. He's following his heart's desire. He identifies as the husband of a woman and her daughter at the same time. Don't we have to give him that so-called right? Love is love, isn't it? Or, perhaps the whole scenario disgusts you, if you aren't afraid to admit it. Perhaps you even believe that there must be laws regulating marriage, laws that are equal for all citizens, regardless of their personal preference. That is true equality, the same equality that stands in every other aspect of the law. Equality under the law is not based on one's feelings, opinions, or preferences. If it was, that kind of equality would give bank robbers the right to steal, murderers the right to kill, litterbugs the right to pollute. Because that's the lifestyle they choose. So the next time you see an "Employees Only" sign, just walk in, telling the staff that you "identify" as an employee. See how far you get. And the next time someone claims the right to elevate their desire to a "right," don't be fooled or cowed. If one group gains the power to dictate their opinion as law, then we all should. Now that's equality.

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